I did
Music Production & Composition
Sound Design
Project Management (music-side)

together with
MassiveMusic (agency)

The Female Company
The Tampon Book

Happy to say I’ve contributed to a project that actually changed a law! Even though I’ve never experienced the problem personally, Germans have tampons taxed as a luxury product. The Female Company sold books (which aren’t classified as a luxury product), and hid tampons in it - just so they could tax it as an essential good. The song protests and supports this message with marching drums, fast 808’s and a shouty vocal to finish it.

And the best thing is that very soon after the law was changed, meaning tampon’s are no longer taxed as luxury products.

In collaboration with

The Female Company

Advertising agency
Scholz & Friends, Berlin

Chief Creative Officer
Matthias Spaetgens

Executive Creative Director
Robert Krause, Oliver Handlos

Creative Director
Malik Benamara, Max Marohn, Sebastian Stelzer

lona Hartmann

Graphic Designer
Natalie Krzyz


CANT TALK 'Headbreak EP'


Jägermeister 'Hidden champions'